I have been using dual Here3 GPS on CAN for quite a while now. Recently I procured two Here3+ GPS units. I used exactly the same configuration that I used for Here3 GPS.
Two external compass units used to be detected when Here3 was used. But when Here3P+ units are used, only one external compass is being detected.
Can someone help me identify the problem?
Is there any difference in configuration that I need to follow between dual here3 and dual here3+ setup?
Firmware version : 4.3.6 Arducopter
Board : CubeOrange on a mini carrier board
I configured BRD_BOOT_DELAY to 5000 after reading few blogs but it didn’t help.
hi @vidya
have you resolved the issue on dual HERE3+ configuration on Mini carrier board.
i too facing similar issue on my Mini carrier board. @tridge@rmackay9 Do you have any solution on this.
as mentioned by vidya on mini carrier board Dual here3 working normally but Dual Here3+ is not.
NOTE : Each here3+ working individually. And i was isolated the Here3+ power supply too check the issue fix but actually not. as a result getting prearm error: GPS 2 Not healthy.
for your kind information i have shared there same related issue topic for your reference from cube pilot forum including LOG file.
I see you’re working with CubePilot on the other thread and the issue appears to be specific to just the mini-carrier board. This makes it unlikely that it is an AP software issue so I’ll leave you to work on it with them.