Hello all,
I want to read GPS data (here2) via serial communication, I have linked up GPS TX (AP RX) and GND wires of here2 GPS to the FTDI serial converter, I have checked on multiple Baudrates (for example, 230400, None, 8, 1) and changed the voltage level from 3.3 to 5 volts but still getting encrypted data over the serial port, it shows in mission planner log that here2 GPS is connected via 230400 baud rate. Is the data encrypted? if not kindly if someone knows any serial settings to read GPS data, big thanks in advance.
Note: AP is running and GPS is locked with 10-12 satellites.
What you’re seeing is uBlox message traffic. It is not encrypted, but it is an encoded binary message format. The Here2 uses a Neo-M8N module. Details regarding that module and its supported uBlox message protocol can be found here:
You can enable NMEA via u-Center, but you’ll have to disable ArduPilot’s GPS_AUTO_CFG parameter for that to remain permanent if you intend to snoop NMEA messages on the port while it’s connected to an autopilot.
Thanks! Yuri, I have used the U-Center application, and at starting it was giving the error in “text console” as “txbuff alloc”, after setting the default receiving configuration I was able to read it in “Text console” clearly.