Help with plane autotune and log debugging

Hi all,

I recently completed the setup of a plane using a Pixhawk 2.4.8 Pro. Flying in manual mode everything works as expected, but when tried flying in AUTOTUNE mode to tune the controller, the plane behaved very strangely in pitch, giving me very little manual control and then pitching sharply up or down, giving me no other choice than to go back to manual mode to catch the plane. The behavior in roll seemed to work OK and the wings leveled automatically and I had descent control authority whenever making manual roll commands.

I tried looking at the logs as suggested here, but I noticed that when plotting ATRP.P I don’t have the individual ‘Demanded’ and ‘Achieved’ time traces.

Hoping someone more experienced here could help look at my logs and spot what’s going on.

Thanks in advance

Log file: 2023-06-30 08-09-15.bin - pCloud