Help with configuring GPS on arducopter

I have attached my GPS to my FC with Arducopter on it. Mission planner says there is no GPS, but the GPS is powered up and blue light blinks. I went through all the SerialX_protocol options setting each one to 5 and the Baud rate to 1 to see if that was the issue but it didn’t help. The FC is the Diatone Mamba H7 and I have also followed the Ardupilot docs for that FC but nothing.

Can anyone suggest any other fixes/paramaters please to try next. This is my first attempt at setting up ArduCopter and its proving quite tricky.

What GPS? Wired how?

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I think it is a Neo 7N. I have the compass wired up to the SDA and SCL pads, and the GPS is connected to the RX4, TX4, GND and 5v on the flight controller.

Try swapping RX and TX. Most common error.

Use auto for GPS type.

Only set the proper serial function to 5 (i.e., only the port that maps to TX4/RX4).

1 is not a valid baud rate.


Thanks for the help!

Use auto for GPS type.

How do I do this?

1 is not a valid baud rate.

What is? I read somewhere that Baud rates for GPS were up to 1500, and 1 was the setting for 1200 I think.


My mistake on baud rate. 1 is a valid baud rate, but I doubt your GPS is using it (more likely 9600 or 38400). Auto detection should fix that, regardless.