Help - Undesired pitch when full throttle

Hello, First copter build. I have been a fixed wing pilot with arduplane for many years but the tuning of copter is challenging me. I have installed a SpeedyBee F405 mini and Matek M8Q-5883 GPS/Compass into my Flywoo Explorer LR 4" quad. I have done successful autotune and POSHOLD works great and locks in.

I have noticed some erratic pitch movements when I punch out when in STAB mode. Also, in ACRO, the quad tends to get a little uneasy. I’m unsure if I have vibration issues or if I need to tweak the notch filter. I am looking at the data but I don’t see anything glaringly obvious. Then again, I am not used to tuning for vibration, filtering and PIDS. Can someone take a look at my log and give me advice? It would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my PIDs as well.

It looks like the lack of control happens mostly when the throttle is reduced after a big climb, and of course motor outputs go low, with one or more motors hitting their minimum. At least it’s not oscillations.

Try adjusting these to help that situation.


See if you can get the MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN a bit lower but still be reliable.

You have extremely low vibrations and noise, so the harmonic notch filter is not doing anything for two reasons:

  1. not needed
  2. slightly misconfigured

So just disable it anyway.
You wont see me recommend that change often! :slight_smile:

Compass is definitely quite affected by throttle

Luckily you had plenty of yaw in that log so I ran it through Magfit.

Set these updated compass parameters and that should take care of a some of the odd behaviour you see

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Wow! Thanks so much. This stuff is so alien to me since with fixed wing I’m not really dealing with vibrations and a compass. It’s interesting you say the lack of control happens when throttle is reduced. I notice it happening when giving it the beans and it pitches forward dramatically but it seems like stabilization saves it from completely flipping out of control. I will have to review some footage to see if I reduced throttle before punching out. I am almost positive I was in a hover and punched out from stable altitude.

I’m shocked that I have low vib and noise. The FC is jammed in there and is actually on a slight angle (I did level cal to ensure it is reading properly) :rofl:

I assume the compass is affected by throttle because the battery lead is sitting at the rear very close to the compass.

I really appreciate your help. I will try what you said and report back.

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No I doubt it, most likely that compass calibration should fix a lot. Really I was just saying that I could see the copter loses stabilisation when throttle drops dramatically after a climb.

Check out Air mode too, which is not really a flight mode, but an “enhancement”

OK so changed everything except MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN. I will work on that next. I did 2 flights. First one in STAB. Second one in ACRO. When hitting the throttle hard it pitches left. It didn’t feel as violent as before however. In the short flight, STAB felt a lot “tighter”. ACRO still feels sketchy still. I’ve attached the log and accompanying video. I’m going to have a look myself but would greatly appreciate any insight you might have.

I also just tried airmode, RC5_OPTION=154 for my ARM/DISARM switch. Same result with pitching to the left on heavy throttle.

I am still trying to refine the tune. Since last time I have flashed Bluejay firmware to the esc and enabled dshot600. Ran autotune and adjusted PIDs manually for the roll to close the DesRoll/Roll. Pitch and Yaw look to be ok. I have eliminated the pitch issue when going full throttle and have a pretty good tune with one exception. It feels like when doing a coordinated yaw/roll right, it is sluggish and gets stuck and kind of turns in bursts. See example in video around 20sec. Yaw/Roll left feels ok.

Overall not as locked-in as it felt when running betaflight. Turned on harmonic notch filtering but I don’t think it’s doing much. I am not sure how to tell what if any interference there might be. I have Magfit running but not sure how to decipher. Any help would be appreciated

Watching the video, I noticed what looked like a bit of instability during descent or low throttle - correct me if I’m wrong.
I’d like to see how it is with MOT_THST_EXPO,0.45
Motors are sometimes hitting minimum which will affect stability, try: MOT_SPIN_MIN,0.12

I think the wide notch bandwidth is also affecting PID response, try: INS_HNTCH_BW,15
It’s normal to use a narrow bandwidth when using per-motor notches, like 1/4 of the frequency.

Also alter these:


They wont have a lot of effect, but will be more correct.
You should also set these too:


Let’s see the next log and your thoughts on how it is different.

Also carefully put these compass calibration values in


Thank you for your input. I learned a lot over the past weekend with many test flights. I tried your changes and things were terrible. I tried some autotuning for hours but couldn’t get anything decent. I had messed up things so bad, I went back to my last known semi stable config from the 2023-10-27 bin I provided above. I have since rerouted battery leads out the front of the quad and away from the compass as much as possible. I have Magfit installed on my machine so have been doing my own assessments. I am now retrying incremental changes, I think applying all the changes at once was too much.

So right now where I am at is I changed just MOT_THST_EXPO,0.45 and MOT_SPIN_MIN,0.12. I’m confused as to why you suggested those values. Looking at my previous config, MOT_THST_EXPO was set to .52. What would lowering it do? As for MOT_SPIN_MIN, this is a tiny 4" quad with 4S 18650. Naturally, it is heavy with this configuration and needs a little more throttle to start to realize thrust. It was great for cruising with Betaflight. I would think the MOT_SPIN_MIN should be increased slightly to alleviated the instability? Another odd thing I noticed is that the OSD shows throttle around 15-20% however on my sticks I’m hovering around 45-50% throttle. Not sure if that’s an esc or configuration issue but seems off. I’m not sure if the EXPO would take me a little getting used to but it felt twitchy compared to the previous flight. I almost lost it on takeoff!

Here are the respective bins and videos. Again, any input you could provide. I think I am getting serious compass interference from the motors or battery wires still. My thought is that I have to get rid of compass issues before going forward with any more changes if I really want to dial-in the tune. Not sure what else I can do. I read about compass motor calibration but I also saw that magfit can be done instead.

Pretty good stability, used my own magfit after test flight.

Changed MOT_THST_EXPO,0.45 & MOT_SPIN_MIN,0.12. Very twitchy. Could be me needing to get used to it.