Help to adjust the PIDs of a long Rover

Good morning, fellow ardupiloteros,

I hope you are having a nice vacation and that everyone is well.

I’m building a long Rover of about 3 m long and almost 2 m wide, where I have placed a guidance system based on Pixhawk 6c (Firmware 4.2.3 stable) with a single external compass (with many stability problems in the guidance, there are days that marks to one side and another day marks well) and two Ardusimple RTK GPS with ntrip injection from a RTK base. In general the system goes quite well, but I can’t get it to go straight between two waypoints or the curves are not very fine. I share with you the param, bins and logs files. You can give me ideas for better settings or whatever you think. If you need any kind of information or extra data to help you.

I have in mind a new version with one of the latest unstable firmwares and the new s-curves algorithm, but I think first do it with the stable firmware and then progress. Another option is to put the guidance system only with GPS and use the YAW guidance technique).

I look forward to your recommendations and a smile.

Natxo Varona