Sorry I didn’t reply earlier chwi69.
To save you from wasting your precious time reading my very long post, I’m afraid I don’t have any helpful suggestions.
I don’t know how far the other amazing community members have gotten you towards solving your issue but what I ended up doing in the end is using the mavlink built into the the board and then soldering a seperate ELRS receiver to the flight controller. I didn’t use the built in ELRS receiver because I would rather use the built in mavlink than the ELRS.
Initially I had tried the built in ELRS receiver and it worked just fine so I’m not sure what the issue with your could be, plus, I’m new to this too (so bare that in mind :)). The only thing I can really think of is to just flash the latest version of ELRS to the flight controller but I presume you’ve already done that. Also, from the other posts I’ve read, you’ve setup everything correctly and followed the instructions on matek website.
From what I can see, we practically have identical setups, only difference being you’re using the built in receiver. I’m also using ELRS and EdgeTX which (now I think about it) I should probably check what version I’m on to see if I need to update it.
I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.
Yes, I connected the battery first and then the USB cable
I have loaded your parameters again. The stick deflections in the radio calibration also work with them. So it is not because of the parameters.
The jumpers for ExpressLRS are set correctly according to the photo. What we can not see is the bottom side of the board, whether there are perhaps the soldering points are faulty => check …
At ExpressLRS itself it is probably not, if according to your statement the telemetry values come. But I would install ExpressLRS new according to Matek instructions on the FC => test …
More I can not help you without having the FC here on the table.
I have Exactly the same Problem. Matek F405-WTE, no connection between ELRS-Modul and FC, no Stick Movement. And set everything according to the Matek Website.
I’ve checked, without the Jumpers there is no connection between the Tx1, Rx1, ER1, ET1, Tx2, Rx2 Pins, all the Pins aren’t connected to GND oder Vcc. On the Oscillioscope I can see a Signal on ET1 but on no other of the Pins.
How have you flashed your ELRS-Modul @Target0815 ??
Is it correct to select a Baudrate oft 115200 on the ELRS-Modul.
As it is written in the manual at Matek. I have tested both flashing via Wifi and flashing via UART with a USB TTL adapter.
115.200 baud is correct.
Actually I’ve reflashed the ELRS-Modul with baudrate of 420000 and now it’s working
I found the same deal, some places on internet say ser 115200 baud in elrs module settings and ardupilot says for crsf its auto set so it doesn’t matter the setting but i found if i try to set 115200 in configurator for elrs nothing would work and i had to ser 420000 to make it match the ardupilot auto baud rate