Help implement the inertial system adjustment function on a VTOL aircraft.

This is the task!
If positioning using GPS is not possible, the aircraft continues to fly using the inertial positioning system. We are interested in the possibility of manually correcting the current position of the onboard inertial system by substituting coordinates from the Mission Planner map.
Perhaps a solution can be implemented using scripts. Perhaps there is experience in using similar scripts, or other solutions that could help solve our problem?

Hello @alekseivoznyi welcome to the community,

ArduPlane requires a GNSS receiver to correct for the medium term drift of the IMUs.
To navigate without a GNSS you would need a very low-drift, very expensive external AHRS. And you would need to change the source code. Can you do that?

Good afternoon. Now we have the simplest AHRS installed. But if we are confident that this function will work, we will easily change it to a better one. As for changing the source code, we are open to experimentation and ready to try.