Help! - How do I set output voltages?

It seems like it should be easy, but I have not been able to set a channel on my drone to output 0-2.6Volts. (right now it is 1.3V-2.6V)

Under “User params” I have chosen “Gripper” on RC12_option.
Under “Servo output” my function is “RCIN12” and the green bar moves with my knob AND the voltage on drone changes from 1.3V-2.6V.

No matter what min and max… The out is always the same range.

How do I make it go to zero???

Thank you!

are you triyng to get a variable voltage output from the servo pin? the servo pins dont work like that, they can do servo pwm or GPIO on or off, but they cant output analog voltages.

True. I have a low pass filter on the output to make it “true” analog.
My problem is getting the output down to zero PWM volts.

you cant filter servo pwm to an analogue voltage as it goes from 0% = 1000ms active to 100% = 2000ms active so all you will see is a slight difference.

Ugh. Thank you!!! You’ve explained why I’ve been beating my head against this wall. I’m trying to control a 3/4HP motor (yes, really) from the drone flight controller.

The drone company sent the drone with a Roboclaw Solo 60A, 34VDC Motor Controller (Roboclaw Solo 60A, 34VDC Motor Controller).

The controller company told me I needed to use their controller in “analog mode” and add a filter to PWM.

Then the drone company (!) gave me directions to output the “0-3volts” the Roboclaw wants in analog mode… but they were clearly clueless.

Do you happen to know if the roboclaw can work? Do you know a better controller for this application?

What type of motor is it?


I was wrong about the horsepower it’s rated 0.9HP.

So it’s a brushed motor. Looks like that Motor Controller accepts PWM.

And this is entirely the wrong thread for this topic. But anyway from the manual:

Using RC mode RoboClaw can be controlled from any hobby RC radio system. RC input mode also allows low powered
microcontrollers such as a Basic Stamp to control RoboClaw. Servo pulse inputs are used to control the direction and
speed. Very similar to how a regular servo is controlled. Encoders are supported in RC mode, refer to the RoboClaw user
manual for setup instructions.

When I asked the question I thought I was asking how to program Mission planner/Ardupilot.

It’s frustrating because I’ve been trying to ask the “experts” throughout the process. The controller company about the controller and the drone company about the Drone… And ended up with completely the wrong answer.

OK. It would be in “Hardware”. Looks to me like all your answers are in the manual. If all else fails… :grinning:

Yep.Thanks to you guys I know I have a hardware problem. I will now ignore what I’ve been told by the controller company and the drone company…


roboclaw_datasheet_solo.pdf (259.3 KB)

LOL. The datasheet saysto use filtered PWM to get analog.

I feel cursed on this project.

I suppose they didn’t understand that you have a Flight Controller providing command signals.

The drone company picked this controller for this motor. Since then I’ve been going around in circles. Can you recommend a different controller?

I think the key phrase here is “or other non microcontroller interfacing hardware” with regards to analog.

Of course you have a microcontroller interface with the Flight Controller. Looks like you are on the right track now. I think that controller will work.

This is close to what the Flight Controller will output as default running Rover firmware. So far so good.

It always struck me as strange that neither of the companies ever mentioned running the controller in RC mode.

I know it sounds like a dumb question but is “RC mode” = PWM varying fromr 1000ms to 2000ms?

That’s what that chart is more or less telling you. Your only real challenge with the controller, like all Roboclaw controllers, is to configure it properly (jumpers, switches, whatever) for use with a flight controller. You don’t need any bells or whistles, no mixing, just the basic configuration. The Flight Controller does all the work.

Thanks much. I don’t want to blow out my controller, so I think the safe path is to bring my new information to Roboclaw Monday.

Set it to RC mode, and it should do everything you want it to do.

There are dozens of settings in the motor setup SW… And everything has gone wrong so far. It’s made me extra cautious. Thanks again!