Has anyone looked at adding support for the BetaFPV V3 1s 12A AIO?

So from your source tree run libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts/convert_betaflight_unified.py on the config and that will give you a reasonable starting point for the hwdef

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Awesome. Thank you.

Just so Iā€™m clear, by Betaflight configuration you are referring to the results of ā€œsave backupā€ from the configurator?

I donā€™t have to choose a specific branch within Ardupilot because the BF configuration contains enough info?

Just so Iā€™m clear, by Betaflight configuration you are referring to the results of ā€œsave backupā€ from the configurator?

No there is not enough info in the dump - you need an actual unified config of this kind - GitHub - betaflight/unified-targets: Target configurations for Betaflight Unified Targets - I couldnā€™t see the config in there, but maybe I didnā€™t look hard enough

I donā€™t have to choose a specific branch within Ardupilot because the BF configuration contains enough info?

Use the master branch

Ok. Iā€™ll work on this tomorrow and report back. Thanks again for all your help and guidance.

I ran the instsall prereqs but still get the same error about arm-none-eabi-ar when I run:
./waf configure --board CubeBlack

Update: It works after a linux restart

I get this error when I try to convert the Betaflight config. BTW I donā€™t know what ā€˜board IDā€™ is that Iā€™m prompted for so I entered the BF config filename.

wam@wam-ROG-Strix-G533ZW-G533ZW:~/ardupilot$ libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts/convert_betaflight_unified.py BEFH-BETAFPVF405.config 
Board id? BEFH-BETAFPVF405.config
define: USE_ACC
define: USE_ACC_SPI_MPU6000
define: USE_GYRO
define: USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6000
define: USE_GYRO_SPI_ICM42688P
define: USE_ACC_SPI_ICM42688P
define: USE_ACCGYRO_BMI270
define: USE_BARO
define: USE_BARO_SPI_BMP280
define: USE_FLASH
define: USE_FLASH_W25Q128FV
define: USE_MAX7456
resource: 1 PB4 BEEPER BEEPER
resource: 1 PB0 MOTOR MOTOR
resource: 2 PB1 MOTOR MOTOR
resource: 3 PA3 MOTOR MOTOR
resource: 4 PA2 MOTOR MOTOR
resource: 5 PC8 MOTOR MOTOR
resource: 6 PA8 MOTOR MOTOR
resource: 1 PB8 PPM PPM
resource: 1 PA8 SONAR SONAR_ECHO
resource: 1 PB6 LED LED_STRIP
resource: 1 PA9 SERIAL SERIAL_TX
resource: 3 PB10 SERIAL SERIAL_TX
resource: 4 PA0 SERIAL SERIAL_TX
resource: 6 PC6 SERIAL SERIAL_TX
resource: 1 PA10 SERIAL SERIAL_RX
resource: 3 PB11 SERIAL SERIAL_RX
resource: 4 PA1 SERIAL SERIAL_RX
resource: 5 PD2 SERIAL SERIAL_RX
resource: 6 PC7 SERIAL SERIAL_RX
resource: 1 PB5 LED LED
resource: 1 PA5 SPI SPI_SCK
resource: 2 PB13 SPI SPI_SCK
resource: 3 PC10 SPI SPI_SCK
resource: 1 PA6 SPI SPI_MISO
resource: 2 PB14 SPI SPI_MISO
resource: 3 PC11 SPI SPI_MISO
resource: 1 PA7 SPI SPI_MOSI
resource: 2 PB15 SPI SPI_MOSI
resource: 3 PC12 SPI SPI_MOSI
resource: 1 PC2 ADC ADC_BATT
resource: 1 PC0 ADC ADC_RSSI
resource: 1 PC1 ADC ADC_CURR
resource: 1 PB3 BARO BARO_CS
resource: 1 PB12 SDCARD SDCARD_CS
resource: 1 PB12 FLASH FLASH_CS
resource: 1 PA15 OSD OSD_CS
resource: 1 PC4 GYRO GYRO_EXTI
resource: 1 PA4 GYRO GYRO_CS
resource: 1 PC5 USB USB_DETECT
timer: PB8 TIM10 CH1
timer: PC8 TIM8 CH3
timer: PB0 TIM3 CH3
timer: PB1 TIM3 CH4
timer: PA3 TIM2 CH4
timer: PA2 TIM2 CH3
timer: PB6 TIM4 CH1
timer: PA8 TIM1 CH1
timer: PA9 TIM1 CH2
timer: PA10 TIM1 CH3
feature: RX_SERIAL
feature: AIRMODE
feature: LED_STRIP
feature: OSD
settings: mag_bustype I2C
settings: mag_i2c_device 2
settings: mag_hardware NONE
settings: baro_spi_device 3
settings: baro_hardware NONE
settings: serialrx_provider SBUS
settings: adc_device 2
settings: blackbox_device SPIFLASH
settings: dshot_idle_value 450
settings: dshot_burst ON
settings: motor_pwm_protocol DSHOT600
settings: motor_poles 12
settings: current_meter ADC
settings: battery_meter ADC
settings: beeper_inversion ON
settings: beeper_od OFF
settings: yaw_motors_reversed ON
settings: sdcard_detect_inverted ON
settings: sdcard_mode SPI
settings: sdcard_spi_bus 2
settings: system_hse_mhz 8
settings: vtx_band 5
settings: vtx_channel 8
settings: vtx_power 1
settings: vtx_freq 5917
settings: max7456_spi_bus 3
settings: dashboard_i2c_bus 2
settings: flash_spi_bus 2
settings: gyro_1_bustype SPI
settings: gyro_1_spibus 1
settings: gyro_1_sensor_align CW270
settings: gyro_1_align_yaw 2700
settings: gyro_2_spibus 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wam/ardupilot/libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts/convert_betaflight_unified.py", line 500, in <module>
    convert_file(fname, board_id)
  File "/home/wam/ardupilot/libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts/convert_betaflight_unified.py", line 319, in convert_file
    ''' % (get_ADC1_chan(mcu, adc[1]), int(settings['ibata_scale']) * 59.5 / 168 )) # scale taken from KakuteH7
KeyError: 'ibata_scale'

board id is a number that the bootloader protocol uses unique to each board - just pick one for now, e.g. 1200

looks like the battery info is missing from the config - try adding a fake one from another board

Thank you for that.

That completed without any error messages but I donā€™t see a folder under Build like when I built the example?

you still have some work to do - you should end up with hwdef.dat and hwdef-bl.dat in the current directory. You then need to create a directory in libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef with an appropriate name and copy them there. Then try building using that name

Ok, now I have a folder with the name I gave the board (BetaFPV-F405AIO) that contains a bin folder with arducopter.apj and arducopter.bin. Those are my targets right? Did it also build the _bl version?

You will need to build the bootloader to get that. Run ./Tools/scripts/build_bootloaders.py BetaFPV-F405AIO to get that

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Awesome thanks so much for all of your help.

What should I look for (other than obvious error messages etc) when I load the firmware into the board?

I loaded the hex file with the STM32Cube programmer. The board shows up as Ardupilot on USB as COM4, but mission planner is unable to connect - no heartbeat packets


youā€™ll probably need to try removing stuff until you can get something that boots. I recommend you use mavproxy for connecting since then you can see any debug messages

This slightly presupposes that the config you used is the right one - if its the wrong one with the wrong pin definitions then that would also cause this kind of problem

I let Betaflight auto-detect the board and then selected that as the base.

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Should I have reset the environment (clean dist) after the first build but before the _BL version?

Not sure. If you build the bootloader you will then need to reconfigure and rebuild for the regular firmware

I suggest you start putting your changes up as a PR so that we can see what you have so far

Ok.i will read about how to do that later today or tomorrow.

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