Harmonic Notch / Notch Filtering

Hi guys,
I am facing issues with my pre and post notch filter configuration. What to set in this case? In pre notch data I am getting two peaks, which to use? I use 66hz for INS_HNTCH_FREQ and getting this graph. Is it correct.
@amilcarlucas Can you please help me out?

Log Link: 00000020.BIN - Google Drive

First use the Ardupilot Filter Review Tool for analysis not Mission Planner. Filter Review Tool
You will find that the 1st notch is set OK and you should disable the 2nd Notch.

Hi @dkemxr
I am a little confused about 2 harmonic notch. Does that mean, 1st notch is for 1st peak and 2nd notch is for 2nd peak?

No, that is harmonics.
There are two notch filters available for when the noise frequencies are unrelated