Hi everyone,

I got a “GY-NEO6MV2 GPS Module” that works fine when it’s connected to a “USB to UART Bridge”, (receives signal from more than 16 satellites and fixes on 3D mode in less than 30 seconds in cold start and less than 5 seconds in hot start), but when I connect it to the Ardupilot boards, it says: “GPS: No GPS”.

I tried it on 2 different boards (“Speedy Bee F4 V3” and “Omnibus F4 Nano V6.1”), and the results are the same: “GPS: No GPS”.

I tried different settings on either Ardupilot boards or the “GPS module”, also I checked the wiring and baud rate several times, but couldn’t get it to work.

Any suggestions?


P.S. both Ardupilot boards work fine with a BN-880 GPS Module.

The 6M modules are relics of the past. Replace.

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What about 7M or 8M?

I’m looking for something cheap for a school project. Any idea?


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