Ground Vehicle Tuning (Acro, Steering, Navigation)

Hello everyone!

I’m currently aiming to tune my ground vehicle using ArduPilot. Cruise Learning has been done, so cruise speed and throttle have been set.

This weekend (25th of April 2021), I drove my vehicle around in ACRO mode for tuning purposes. Sometimes pidachieved followed piddesired quite well, sometimes not at all.

You can find the .bin file here: [will be included later. ArduPilot is taking quite its time to fetch the file (we’re talking several hours as of now)]

It would help me a lot if anyone here could look over the file and has any suggestions on which values could be improved in which ways.

Thank you already in advance for your help!


PS: My vehicle is a TT-02 Chassis by Tamiya. I’m using a Pixhawk 4 and a PM07-V2.2 power module. Currently, I’m controlling it in manual mode with a Graupner HoTT radio control.

You can find the log folder here:

Unfortunately, I cannot generate a .bin file for the last mission anymore; yesterday, after trying to download the .bin file, MissionPlanner deleted all logs on the vehicle. :pensive:

Also, the forum is once again not allowing me to edit my own posts … :expressionless: