Gremsy Zio can't load camera definition file

Pixhawk Blue cube, Arducopter 4.3.7, Herelink

I am trying to access the advanced functionality of the Gremsy Zio on either mission planner or QGC.
Gremsy’s documentation only references QGC and after hours of trying and following their steps (vague at best), does not load the camera definition file. I have the ethernet connection between the Herelink air end and the Zio connected and the serial connection from Zio to pixhawk connected to telem 2 (baud 115200 and mavlink 2 protocol). Gremsy say to have the device running QGC connected to the internet to allow it to download the Camera Definition File which I have done but no success.
Gremsy show a dropdown box of the advanced options under the camera tab in the widget screen on the right of the QGC gui. That is what I am trying to achieve.
Can anybody help please?!

Have you found any solutions to this? I am also having the same issue.

The definition file does not download but it can be manually downloaded from here

There are a bunch of other known issues (and I’m sure a bunch of unknown issues) but we have an ArduPilot Partner company who sent me a Zio so we can finally get it working.

If you have other issues you have encountered or other work arounds please post them here and we’ll get this camera supported.

I am having the same problem. What am I supposed to do with this file. Should I put it in a specific location?