GPS switch continuously between 3D Fix / No GPS

I connect my NMEA GPS with frequency 10Hz into seriali4 with baud 115200. The gps is connecting and disconnecting. The terminal is showing me this message every time the GPS signal is picked “Info: GPS 1: detected as NMEA at 115200 baud”.

All the ardupilot parameters are set correctly since if I change to an another GPS (this time UBLOX protocol, but it doesn’t change much, just gps_type) in the same port, with the same baud etc. is working. More interestingly if I switch to px4 firmware the GPS is working just fine.

I think this is an Ardupilot firmware bug, but I’m not sure so I don’t issue on GitHub.

Send a link to the .bin log file and we can check it out.

Hi, I leave the .bin file of the log