Hi friends,
Waypoint navigation upto some level on BBBlue with it’s inbuilt QEP and DC motor modules.
Yet tuning is required for more preciese motion.
Hi friends,
Waypoint navigation upto some level on BBBlue with it’s inbuilt QEP and DC motor modules.
Yet tuning is required for more preciese motion.
It would be great if you could share the code by making PR to get this code in master
Definitely i will share the code changes, just let me finish my task here.
Hi ppoirier,
I have created a PR for the same. The changes are using inbuilt QEP and motor driver modules of BBBlue for Ardurover. “https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/7117/commits/9b0f1e820c59cc71bde38e18e233c0b822b98c31”
Things i did-
Things needed to be done-
Hope this will be examined soon. Waiting for validating my changes.
Great !! ,
I see that you have implemented the robotic cape modules, really interesting.
@khancyr can you help with this PR?
one point, while running Ardurover there is a notification of mag anomaly and graphically it start rotating counterclock slowly but the bot is not rotating though. I knew whenever it gets magnetic field disturbance it starts yaw_realignment. But is this always going to be happen? Also after that when i start motion in either GUIDED/AUTO it gets deviated.
Do you use the internal or the external compass?
Have you successfully completed the compass calibration ?
Internal compass is being used and done with the compass calibration.
Well , maybe its too noisy, if you can, try moving the FC far from EMI sources