GPS config u-blox M8N

Ha! The Black box module. Who knows what’s in there. Forget U-center, configure it from Mission planner.

Thanks for your help.
But how to configure it from Mission Planner?

I want to activate Beidou 's satellites.
How to choose it?

Before asking a question like that why don’t you connect your board to Mission Planner, navigate to the Full Parameter list and see what GPS_ parameters are available for configuration. In it’s default state it will send configuration info to the GPS on boot.

Perhaps you will find this:

Excuse me.
I can’t find full param in Misson Planner 1.3.76 !

You will need to access the Full Parameters list for setup and configuration.
Configuration>Full Parameter List.

If you don’t see it then go to Configuration>Planner>Layout and select “Advanced” from the pull down menu.

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