GPS broken on Copter 4.1

Copter 4.1 and master on the SkyViper Journey cannot establish connection to the ublox GPS, status page reports Fixtype 0.
4.0.8 and prior have no such problems.
Can you help me debug this issue?

Hi. I am seeing the same issue. Looking for a fix.

GPS_DRV_OPTIONS=4 did the trick! :grinning:
as seen on:


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I whink we should update default parameters for SkyViper then.

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It worked out! Thank you very much.

So this is now fixed by this commit.

Can you create a github pull request with your changes?

Sorry I don’t use github but I can send the PR by e-mail.
Feel free to pull from my repo, there are many other fixes for SkyViper.

In case anyone is having troubles getting the SkyVipter GPS to work with Copter-4.3.0 please comment over here and/or try setting these parameters to see if it helps.

