Gimbal Issues and Pixhawk 1 SBUS Out and Aux Issues

I originally posted this in the hardware section and tried all the suggestions to no avail. I now think this might be a firmware issue or an incompatibility of the latest update and a Pixhawk 1. I have a workaround but I would rather not use it as it bypasses the Pixhawk.

I can’t get the gimbal to respond to inputs from the transmitter. So what have I tried?

Attempt 1: Using the SBUS Out

1/ Set BRD_SBUS_OUT to 50Hz (there is no data on what this should be) and BRD_SAFETYENABLE to 0

2/ Set tarot gimbal to accept SBUS input and map Tilt to Ch11 and Pan to Ch12 and default mode to Pan Follow and control set to Angle (not rate)

3/ In Mission Planner Gimbal settings:
Set Type to Servo
Set TILT to Servo 11 and input channel to RC11
Set PAN to Servo 12 and input channel to RC12

4/ Plug gimbal into SBUS OUT on Pixhawk minus the RED wire as the gimbal is separately powered.

5/ Test flight. Flys fine but no gimbal movement. Gimbal is stable in what appears to be FPV mode. Varied knobs for channel 11 and 12 and there is no movement later checked logs for RCIN and can see that the signal has varied and was recorded.

6/ Checked to see if gimbal would accept SBUS inputs by plugging it directly into to Receiver and confirmed that it works.

Attempt 2: Using Pixhawk Aux 1 and Aux 2 (or alternatively called SERVO9 and SERVO10)

1/ Set BRD_SBUS_OUT to disable and BRD_SAFETYENABLE to 0

2/ Set BRD_PWM_Count to 2

3/ Set gimbal to accept Conventional input and map Tilt to unmapped and Pan to unmapped and default mode to Pan Follow and control set to Angle (not rate)

4/ In Mission Planner Gimbal settings:
Set Type to Servo
Set TILT to Servo 09 and input channel to RC11
Set PAN to Servo 10 and input channel to RC12

5/ Plug gimbal into Tilt cable to Aux 1 and Pan cable to Aux 2 minus the RED wire as the gimbal is separately powered.

6/ Test flight. Flys fine but no gimbal movement. Gimbal is stable in what appears to be FPV mode again. Varied knobs for channel 11 and 12 and there is no movement later checked logs for RCIN and can see that the signals for 11 and 12 has varied and was recorded.


1/ Disable all gimbal settings in Mission Planner

2/ Set BRD_SBUS_OUT to disable and BRD_SAFETYENABLE to 0

3/ Set tarot gimbal to accept SBUS input and map Tilt to Ch11 and Pan to Ch12 and default mode to Pan Follow and control set to Angle (not rate)

4/ Use “Y” cable to Run from Rx to Pixhawk RCIN and to Tarot Gimbal SBUS input (minus red wire).

5/ Works fine.

RX = X8R FrSky
TX = QX7S with pots on top set to channel 11 and 12
Tarot Gimbal T3D -V metal
Pixhawk 1
Copter 3.6 Nuttx