Gazebo Garden Camera Plugin

Hi, I have ubuntu 20.04, ROS Noetic and GAzebo Garden, I have seen that Gazebo garden is not compatible with ros noetic, so I installed ROS Humble from source, is there any way to get the camera images from gazebo garden to opencv? Do I have to use earlier releases of GAzebo?

Also, I wonder that can i control gimbal via dronekit?

Hi @hasann, to map Gazebo Garden topics into ROS 2 Humble use the ros_gz package: GitHub - gazebosim/ros_gz: Integration between ROS (1 and 2) and Gazebo simulation

You may need to build the repo from source as Gazebo Garden / ROS 2 Humble is not an officially supported combination, although it is the arrangement most commonly used in autopilot development (PX4 and ArduPilot).

By the way, you can also map topics to ROS (1) if you wished to continue using ROS Noetic.

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Is there any instructions for building the repo from source because I got error:

“Unable to locate package ros-humble-ros-gz” when installing ros-humble-ros-gz packages.

@hasann the repo README includes install instructions: GitHub - gazebosim/ros_gz: Integration between ROS (1 and 2) and Gazebo simulation

You may need to adapt some settings for Gazebo Garden / ROS 2 Humble.

More information on Gazebo / ROS 2 pairings here: Gazebo

hi @hasann @rhys really fresh user here.
i am trying to simulate a plane with camera in gz garden
i want to see resolution and foV settings
is it possible doing this in garden do i need to use ROS
or should i just switch to classic
it would be so much of help if you can answer :slight_smile:


You can do it in Garden or Harmonic. ROS is not required. You can see more info about the new camera features here Gazebo Harmonic Released! — Open Robotics

We don’t yet have a plane model with camera in ardupilot_gazebo, but one could be added. Did you want a fixed camera in the plane, or one on a gimbal?

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