Full House Wing camber mixing

I’m playing with a 4 servo wing glider and I’m wondering if there’s a way to do “camber control” to trim the wing? Also is there a way to mix “snap flap”?


Not in standard ardupilot.
But you can always modify the code, have additional mixers in your transmitter or create a LUA script for that.

BR Christian

With Ardupilot a good rule of thumb is not to use radio mixers for directly controlling flight controls and anything that can be damaged during landing if not stowed.

If my intuition is right for a given all up weight there exist f(V_AS) that describes optimum (minimum drag) chamber vs airspeed mapping that could be implemented in Lua mixer.

The neatest version of this would be camber control based on dynamic wing loading. i.e. deploy more camber with more g’s. Essentially this could completely replace any form of manual flap control and you would always have the optimum flap deployed for any loading. Not withstanding desired non-optimal configurations for extra speed or glide-path control.


Yes i agree. But it needs quite a few setup parameters that have to work and might increase stall problems for some people that don’t know how to set it up. It should also be working not only with 4 wing servos but more.
And suddenly it is quite a big thing.

I agree that working with TX mixers is not good practice.

I guess the LUA approach could work. Although i am not sure how much you can rely on it.

With good practices and enough testing (or just enough testing :sweat_smile:) it should be reliable. If you configure all surfaces expect outermost ones as flaps and use servo overrides with timeout it will be fail safe (you kill scripting and it reverts to regular flaps).