Frsky range issue


I would like to ask you what cause of the wery limited range between the Tx and Rx? The range ~ 130 meter, RSSI drops down under ~30, and telemetry is also disconnected. I have tried many orientations in 90 degrees, vertical ( one antenna inside the boat hull), and vertica “V” position (two antennas outside in full lenght ), different places (lakes), but there was no difference. It is very frustrated.
These devices in a 1m long boat, I have brand new Taranis x9-lite transmitter (open tx 2.3.15 with yaapu telemetry), and archer R8 pro receiver. Mateksy H-743 W-Lite flight controller (ardurover 4.2 running on it) communicate through Fport.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

On the water, or ground, a lower frequency system would do better. Frsky R9, Crossfire, ELRS 915, etc. The R9 on my Rover does pretty well.

I get 400-600m over uneven ground with 2.4GHz ELRS. While technically true that 900MHz radios should do better, I didn’t find any appreciable difference in range over the ground with the lower frequency band, and the hardware is a little more scarce, so I just stick with 2.4GHz now. I find that ELRS handles object penetration far better than the FrSky protocol(s) in any frequency band.

I was seeing ~300m with a similar FrSky receiver as yours. Maybe the antenna placement is poor (too low or near an interference source?).

Dave and Yuri,

thank you very much for your reply and suggestions, so I will try R9 mini (easier to buy in Hungary) with R9M module. I positioned the antennas by hand to present the orientation (the horizontal antenna and the body of the receiver inside the hull of course). Sik radio, circuit braker, and wifi antenna (for sonar) are close, but I think at a suitable distance… The material of the boat hull is glass fiber reinforced resin.

I use a directional moxon antenna on the transmitter also.

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