FrSky FPort support - testers wanted

There’s probably nothing wrong with using a 4k7 resistor there, but 10k has been the go-to choice for the entire discussion so far. I wonder if you had a bad resistor or cold joint with the 10k?

I think the 10k resistor was fine. I also tried 8k2 with the same result.

On monday I´ll give my feedback about the resistor. This is the only thing I did not try until now. I even tried to use the RX pin with the appropriate parameter settings and no results.

I tried the 10k resistor again and then the 4k7. Here are pictures from the osciliscope:


10k is too much to pull the line down. It may be different for each receiver.

Thanks for testing so thoroughly. The R9 series are definitely different animals.

@havran Thanks a lot!!! Is is working perfectly with the 4k7 pulldown resistor! Like @Yuri_Rage mentioned, another animal under control :))) Very fast refresh rate!

My Working setup:
Cube Orange - Arducopter 4.1
Taranis X9D Plus SE 2019 - ISRM-S-X9 1.1.0/2.1.6FCC
Receiver: Archer RS - Archer -x 1.2.0/2.1.8
4k7 pulldown resistor (does not work with 10k)

Glad to hear it’s working. My Cube Orange and Archer RS worked perfectly with a 10k pull down resistor. Strange that you needed the lower value, but I won’t question results too much!

I do have an oscilloscope and could provide screengrabs of the Archer RS’s signal line if there is interest. It will take a little effort, though, since it is installed on a large mower/Rover, so I won’t bother unless there’s an affirmative response here.

@Alexey_Degterev I have a similar set-up to you, but having a hell of a time getting telemetry working. Would you be kind enough to share your full config?

would you be willing to share your full config? I have a similar set-up

here my latest param file

@Alexey_Degterev thanks so much!!

And just to confirm, you have Inverted S.Port of R9MM connected to T2 of F405 Wing Nano and that’s it? regular S.Port and SBUS are not connected?

on this plane i have r9slim+ota, so inverted S.Port RX1 pin receiver connected to Tx2 F405wing
only 3 wires. GND, 4v5 and inverted S.port connected

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Thanks a bunch! Was able to get it working thanks to you.

will the setup listed for MatekF765-Wing work for a Matek H743? I gave it a go and so far no luck. I’m using a Jumper R1 receiver connected to the FPort pin.


Looks like the config indicated for the F765 work fine with the H743 Wing. After some further testing it’s working fine. Thanks

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Hey Guys

I am having a problem getting the telemetry to work with my setup.

the setup is as follows:
Controller: MATEK H-743Wing
Receiver: R-XSR flashed to FPort Ver 1.9
receiver Sport pin to connected to Matek RX6 pin

parameters are:

RC Channels controls are working fine.
now for telemetry I am only seeing GPS sensor on my radio, nothing else
I tried a 4.7K resistor between signal and ground without success
I tried also RC_OPTIONS = 8 with no success
I also tired a different UART with no success

what am I missing here, please help.

you need tx6 pin for fport. or swap tx and rx in SERIAL7_OPTIONS

I have a similar setup. My limited understanding is that you need to set the protocol to FrSky SPort Passthrough and then your transmitter can see the flight controller sensors by running a LUA script like Yaapu. Otherwise, the GPS is the only thing you will see coming from the flight controller. I am waiting for LUA support for my X20 in the hopes that I will get full telemetry on my transmitter.

I just got FPort telemetry working on a Matek H743-Wing V2. I used the following parameters:


The receiver is an Archer RS in ACCESS / FPort v2 mode. The Archer’s FPort pin is connected to TX6 on the autopilot.

SERIAL7_OPTIONS=71 uses an internal pulldown resistor, so no additional resistor should be necessary.


I’m trying to get telemetry with no success.
My receiver is R9mm OTA (ACCESS Flex F.Port) connected to Rx6:
SERIAL7_OPTIONS=15 or 7 or 135

RC inputs are working but no telemetry.
Arduplane 4.17 (stable).

Please Help.

Thank you