How can I change the co-ordinate frame of UAV to LOCAL NED in SITL with MAVProxy?
How can I change the co-ordinate frame of UAV to LOCAL NED in SITL with MAVProxy?
Could you be more specific about what you are trying to achieve?
You just need to use LOCAL_POSITION_NED mavlink messages. The UAV already uses NED coordinates internaly
Hi, thanks for the response @Mustafa_Gokce and @amilcarlucas, when I am flying in real world, and give linear velocity in the Y direction, the UAV starts moving straight (the direction in which the UAV’s head is pointing to)
I want the UAV to move ahead (the direction in which the UAV’s head is pointing to) when I give velocity In the +X direction
That is just not the way it works. The way it works is that forward is +Y and right is +X.
I cannot change it? my planner gives the trajectory in such a manner (+x front, +y right). That’s why I am looking for a solution
Rewrite your planner
NED coordinates are an international standard.
Okay thanks, I’ll look into it
Hi, @amilcarlucas this suggests +X is forward or North. I am confused can you please explain me this?
Hi, thanks for the response, it appears that, when I use mavproxy to send the message it moves north for X but when I use mavros it moves in East for X because of Mavros conversion (NED to ENU) ( I am guessing)
Hi @Mustafa_Gokce, but I still don’t understand why @amilcarlucas said this Frame ardupilot - #5 by amilcarlucas statement referring to NED
Ignore my comment. Just test it in SITL