Is there any way this is possible without blowing the bank for the 4G telemetry module?
I am looking at this telemetry module ClearSky Airlink 4G/LTE telemetry module
but if anyone finds a better one for under 200 USD I am fine with that.
Making a new plane based on Ranger 2400 this summer
Also, it will be based on analog FPV.
P.S. if the video cannot be sent to mission planner what alternatives do I have? And how could I disable the VTX midair after takeoff to save on power? I imagine using video streamed via mobile data for takeoff and landing is not the best
I’ve also found a metric ton of Pixhawk 6C controllers. Does anyone have a recommendation of which to pick for Ranger 2400? I can (and will) figure it out myself but some recommendations from someone who used a 6C / v6 would go a long way as everything kind of relies on the fc
They use a Raspberry PI in the aircraft (in addition to the flight controller) to communicate with a 4G/LTE stick. This can also be used to transmit (limited) video and display it in the Mission Planner.
That is kind of what I expected, thought u meant something else by limitations. Ill probably run a separate FPV camera using analog VTX for takeoff / landing
Thanks. I also want to use dragonlink for secondary telemetry but rn I cannot find a single one in stock - anyone knows where I can buy dragonlink V3 and it is in stock? (note, must ship to RO, where I am rn)