For support balance bots

About one month ago, i see an ArduPilot banlance bot project. I tried and succeeded.
Here are some information for my work.

Well, I know it use APM2.6 hardware, and the author uses ardupiot code base about five vyears ago, and he joined the arduroller section.

Now our hardware update to pixhawk or even better. I hope now ardupilot can support it.
I would be happy to help (if possible).
Welcome to discuss together.:laughing:

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Wow, it’s great that you reproduced the work done by Jason Short. Jason Short is one of the original ardupilot developers.

What we need to do now is take what he’s done and integrate it with Rover. I’ve created an issue here in our issues list.

Jason actually based his code on the multicopter code but we will want this feature in our rover code. The most important thing from Jason’s code is how the balancing is done.

HI Can I add a qq my qq 572439391

Thanks for your reply. I will try to learn and add the code according to your steps.
(But I’m not sure how soon I can finish it.)
I will continue to focus on this project.

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