Fmuv3 windows drivers - Chibios

I am hoping someone can help with this issue. I have just loaded Chibios 3.6 beta onto my pixhawk for the first time. Firmware loaded correctly, but i can no longer connect to my pixhawk from my pc. My pixhawk is now showing up in device manager as being a fmuV3. My win7 64bit O/S cannot find the drivers needed for it, thus i can no longer connect to it.

I have tried googling the problem but cannot even find anyone else experiencing the same problem, leaves me wondering if i am missing something here?, or if something went wrong during the installation of Chibios onto my pixhawk. Either way i am stuck, and cannot even go back to the standard firmware atm because i cannot connect to my pixhawk.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

EDIT - Solved, i found the drivers i needed within the Chibi studio download package.

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I have the same problem asking for fmuv2(V3.6rc11), but as i have mission planner on linux , i am still able to connect,although MP has graphical problems on linux.

hey steve, can you give the link for download? same problem i got it

Is it possible to get the name of the driver file, just so I can connect to pixhawk, win7 64bit? Newbe in this copter thing, first post that was relevent.
Thanks in advance,

From what i remember i downloaded the ChiBios package from here -

I think i just unzipped the file and then pointed windows to that folder when it asked where to look for the drivers.

If not, have you tried pointing windows to the Mission Planner folder, maybe the later version of Mission Planner come with the drivers needed.

But sorry for late reply, have not been on here for quite a while, hope you get it sorted.