Flyaway, crossed geofence and showed erraneous behaviour instead of RTL

Hi, my name is Sumit,
I am in dilemma of what happened to my three quadcopters during one mission. I was flying multiple UAVs by running a script locally on the UAV that sent velocities to arducopter in GUIDED mode. It was supposed that the velocity would increase in guided mode as our required mission and it did too but after that two quads started flying away in which geofence was set to 50m altitude and 400m radius. One of them crash-landed after crossing geofence instead of RTL (sysid_thismav 2) and the other one after crossing the geofence started to gain altitude, even after force land from GCS (sysid_thismav 4). In the third UAV too, it flew away but geofence was not enabled and so RC failsafe triggered LAND mode, but it still increased velocity during descent (sysid_thismav 4). Please help me understanding what behaviour was that shown by my UAVs. I am attaching the link for logs.

Problem is solved, no need to waste time

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