FlowHold Tuning? Too twitchy

Hey All!

Whats the best way to make flowhold less aggressive at position holding? Currently when in flowhold the copter feels twitchy. It’s controllable bu not ideal for camera work. Any tips?


I’ve put a list of parameters that can be adjusted on the FlowHold flight mode wiki page. Beyond that, it’s probably best to post a log so we can have a look.

Maybe lowering either FHLD_XY_FILT_HZ or FHLD_FILT_HZ might help…

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I didn’t realize that flowhold doesn’t use lidar. Any reason why? It does seem to hold altitude really well in flowhold mode.


The special thing about flowhold mode is that it doesn’t require a lidar - this was important for the SkyRocket drone that comes with the optical flow but no lidar. If you’ve got a lidar (and optical flow) then you can just use Loiter.

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What’s the best way to increase the trust in the lidar? I’m using a Leddar 1 and feel it’s more accurate than the baro for the most part.


AP doesn’t actually blend the sonar and baro at the moment because in practice they really are measuring quite different things. When travelling over terrain the reported altitude can change a lot so blending would be tricky. Instead the way it works is the altitude estimate comes from a blend of the accelerometers and barometer and then we separately maintain a desired-alt-above-terrain and compare that to the actual altitude-above-terrain reported by the lidar and then use the RNGFND_GAIN to calculate a climb rate up or down to close the gap.

… so in short, unlikely other sensors, there’s no blending or trust parameter to modify. The responsiveness of the lidar based terrain followiing can be adjusted with the RNGFND_GAIN parameter.

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