Flir Vue Pro gets no Mavlink info

Today I tried to connect my Flir Vue Pro R to my Cube Orange. So I connected the Flir Port to TELEM2 and set up SERIAL2_BAUD to 57 and the Protocol to 1. I set up the SR2_POSITION to 5.
Now, when I connect my Vue Pro R to it and have a look on Mission Planners Mavlink Inspector there is no camera showing up and in the FLIR UAS app There is no position information.

Just to check if it is a settings problem on the Pixhawk side, I connected my FLIR Duo Pro R to the same port and it shows up in Mavlink Inspector as „camera“ and I get lat, lon information in the exif data of the taken pictures.

What could be the problem? I know that it worked a few years ago since I had the Vue Pro R connected to a Pixhawk 4 and it showed the GPS position in the FLIR UAS app.

Hi! Did you ever figure out what the issue was? I’m in the same situation.

99/100 times, the issue is mis-wiring the RX/TX lines of the UART.

TX on the peripheral goes to RX on the autopilot, and vice versa.

I’ve recently received back my Flir Vue from a friend and I’ve confirmed that the MAVLink communication with ArduPilot seems not to work anymore.

I’ve tried various changes to get it working but with no success:

  • Swapping TX and RX lines (SERIALx_OPTIONS has a bit to do this)
  • Change SERIALx_BAUD to 115
  • Changed SERIALx_PROTOCOL = 2 (MAVLink2)
  • Set SR2_xxx to 1 to send various mavlink messages to the camera
  • Disabled CubeOrangePlus’s ADSB by setting SERIAL5_PROTOCOL = 0 (I thought it might interfere somehow)
  • Reverted to Copter-4.2.3

BTW, my camera is running firmware VUE_PRO_V3.3.2. I suspect that it is the camera firmware version which has caused the problem.

I’ve sent a message to FLIR asking for older versions of the firmwrae so I can confirm the issue is on their side but who knows if they will ever respond. Until then I will add a warning to the wiki.

By the way, there is another similiar discussion here.

I have a Vue Pro R that worked fine two weeks ago. I was able to trigger the camera through the FC and the photos had GPS information. The Vue is using firmware 3.3.2 as well, but I’m using Copter 4.0.7. The serial protocol is Mavlink 1 at 56k baud.

I haven’t kept the copter firmware up to date on that one as I haven’t used it in a while, but maybe it’s good I procrastinated.

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Hi @Desuetude,

Thanks for that. I’ve tried loading Copter-4.0.7 onto a CubeBlack connected to the Vue Pro (not the Pro R) but it’s still not working for me. I wonder if you could tell me a few things about your setup:

  1. If you open Mission Planner does the camera appear in the connection drop-down list? I think it should but it’s been so long that I’d like to confirm.
  2. Have you set any of the SRx_xxx parameters besides SRx_POS? If possible maybe you could give me your parameter file?
  3. If possible I’d really like to see screenshots of what the Flir App is showing for the camera setup.

The camera does show up in the Mission Planner connection list:

The camera is on serial 2 and only SR2_POS is set to 5, all others are 0:
FLIR_copter.param (17.8 KB)
Here are screenshots from the FLIR app:

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Thanks very much for that. I just cannot get it working … ah well. Maybe my camera is simply broken.

Txs again for the parameter file and setup details though.

@rmackay9 did you try it with copter 4.0.7?
I could also test it again with that…how can a working camera be broken? Do you think the connection could break after several years?


Yes, I tested with both 4.5.0-dev and 4.0.7. I tried many different things including checking the that the serial cable pins were still connected (using a multi meter).

While rare, I’ve seen examples of partially broken electronics before. I saw a GPS/compass unit earlier this week where the compass was producing insane values but otherwise still working. My guess is that some part critical for the mavlink interface has broken somehow. Perhaps a voltage converter or maybe just an internal solder joint.

If you want to try with 4.0.7 too that would be great. No pressure of course.

Hi Desuetude

Can you tell me the configuration,
am also trying to connect flir duo pro with cube orange plus to get mavlink data, I have followed the documentation (FLIR Vue Pro — Copter documentation), but not able to connect?.

My configuration is in my post - the screenshots show the Flir config and the param file the Ardupilot config.

Thanks!! its working now.

Hi Prashant,

Could you please share the firmware version of your Cube Orange and the firmware version of the FLIR Vue Pro?