"Flight mode change failed" switching to Flowhold

Hello guys
I’m running pixhawk 2.4.8, with px4flow and SF11 lidar. I wanted to use GPS for loiter at higher altitude and OF only at low altitudes, so I setup both Poshold and Flowhold flight modes on the drone and wanted to switch between the modes during flight.

I had no issue arming and taking off in flowhold, but when I tried to return to flowhold from poshold, I had a “Flight mode change failed” warning.

The log only indicates a FLIGHT_MODE-22 Error, which is not explained on the ardupilot page http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-diagnosing-problems-using-logs.html

Anyone know what’s going on?


The only reason it should fail to enter FlowHold mode is if the optical flow sensor is unhealthy. If you’ve got a dataflash log we may be able to figure out what happened.

The “22” is FlowHold’s number (each flight mode has a number) so that error message is essentially just telling you what you already know - that it failed to enter flowhold mode but no additional info is provided.