I tried to calibrate the ESC with the Flame 100a 6s ESC and TX16S controller through the mission planner in Cube orange, but the sound did not come out normally.
Does anyone know the problem?
In the case of other aircraft, the end point of the controller was adjusted to fit at least 1,000pwm to 2,000pwm on the mission planner, and it was confirmed that it was corrected normally.
(Tried in the same environment)
Dont change the RC transmitter - just redo the RC calibration if there is any doubt about it.
The MOT_PWM values are independant of the RC values.
Once you’ve done the ESC calibration, then use MissionPlanner motor test to check and set the lowest reliable startup percentage for MOT_SPIN_ARM
then add a bit to that, like + 0.03 and set the new value as MOT_SPIN_MIN
I’m assuming this copter has large props and motors.
Before you attempt flight again:
Set up the battery monitor properly, and reboot
In MissionPlanner use Initial Paremeters to enter your prop size and battery cell count, select “suggested” settings too, then accept and write everything it offers except MOT_THST_EXPO,0.4 (keep this)
And then set these too:
First of all, we proceeded with the correction with the parameters you mentioned and the contents confirmed through the link, but the symptoms and situations are the same as before.
Due to the nature of the Flame 100a 6s ESC, the beep code will sound twice at the start of the range measurement, and when the stottle is lowered, it will end with a long beep code once, and if it does not proceed properly, you will hear three short beeps.
During the current ESC calibration, you will hear 3 beeps continuously,
After completing the ESC calibration, the flight test must be carried out, but the flight attempt is also difficult because it is not carried out normally during the ESC calibration stage.
Although I clearly proceeded according to the ESC manual, I saw the Ardupilot ESC calibration manual and completed the change of the control value of the RX to 1000~2000. (Previously, it was set to 982~2005)
The RC Calibration should be done from the transmitter and the Mission Planner RC calibration screen.
That is entirely seperate to the ESC PWM range!
If you changed the RC values manually you should redo the RC calibration.
I would say ignore the ESC calibration and just set
Change everything I specified then use MissionPlanner motor test to check and set MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN
before you attempt a flight.
I’m a little worried about this because I’m not familiar with it, but I think ESC calibration is essential for four multicopters to rotate at the same speed.
Of course, I will change the parameters and test them as you delivered.
And I’d like to share the pre-flight parameter values I’d really appreciate it if you could check it out.
The most recent flight test of the aircraft was not sure if it was due to the aircraft being too light for the motor output, but only raised the throttle of the RX by 50%, which rose at a very high speed rather than the aircraft hovering, urgently lowering the throttle to 0%. However, the gas continued to rise without hovering and descending, causing the gas to crash through an emergency stop button.
I think this is also the cause of this problem, but I want to know what Shawn thinks.