First drone, looking for help

Hello, I’m kinda new in this drone world, not so new but still, soo this is my first build up by my self, i made autotune, and flight in loiter, it could be more aggressive, I saw the values after autotune is really low, so I wondering, what should be in my situation, i have configured Notch Filter from information I found on internet. In file you will see, that i had thrus loss, but it’s my fault, cause I didn’t looked at battery… So yea lesson learned, but let’s talk about my config and etc. What could i upgrade to better or what I did wrong. Thanks for your attention and time!

Hey Tommy,
Considering you’re just starting and first fresh build, why not starting from latest stable firmware version 4.4? I think it’s better as you will be benefited from all bug fixes and improvements. Unless not possible for your flight controller …


I had pixhawk with that version, just sitted up yesterday, but the firmware was already in 4.3.7 so didn’t make much effort to put new. it was already started little bit some of calibrations.

Update to latest Stable. Set Auto Tune aggression back to default and run it again.
Small tweak to the notch filter (using Filter review Tool Recalc):

Do you have a 6S or 12S battery? Check the MOT_BAT_VOLT_MAX/MIN values.
I guess you set these?
Motor Ranges

Yes I did it, when i set auto tune with aggression always failing when i make smaller aggression it okay no faults. 12S batteries and yup i set motor ranges. And one question, if I update, I don’t need to put everything back ? I mean, like new? I will check bat setting Saturday

Then something else is wrong. You generally don’t want to go below 0.085. Never seen less work well.

Vbat in the log starts ~22V and then drops to battery damaging levels… Was the battery dead before the flight or is your battery monitor a mile off?

What prop size?

Monitor was kinda far, and i didn’t count the time because it was over hour flight’s test and etc. That’s my bad but i will check bat min max. prop size 31

They are correct for a 12S battery but voltage scaling won’t function properly w/o a calibrated battery monitor.

Okay, I will check those too.

To what wind should i make autotune?

The Rate D-terms might be OK but the P&I terms look very low for a craft that size. In most cases due to the low aggression. Set it to .085 if you don’t want to try default again.

Okay, is P&I terms to .085 ? roll and pitch? both ?

No, sorry. Auto Tune aggression to 0.085 and re-run it. You can leave the PID’s where they are and let Auto Tune re-adjust.

Okay, so when i will put all these, i will come back to you here

The tune actually is not terrible but it’s probably sluggish and there is Pitch/Roll overshoot. Some is to be expected.
Roll example:

Yet, I don’t really understand those, to what i should look and to what i should orient?

What’s showing is Desired Roll Vs Roll. You want them to overlay but with a big craft flying in Loiter this is not unexpected.
Will you be adding a payload to this craft?

ohh now i understand, yup here will be payload

@dkemxr Hello, we made autotune, and now it is worse, 1st problem is oscillation, it have really high oscillation I add video and you will see, even sound have changed, but i think this is because for that huge difference between D terms, I’m right? In althold and stabilaze I nothing feels, but loiter it’s oscillating like crazy. 2nd problem, when i give him pitch forward, it doesnt have alltitude hold, aggressive to pitch is okay, but not holding how it should be, and roll could be more aggressive, because now i making on RC roll and he goin to side by him self. I wish to know more about D terms, is this oscillation reason ? Here is the files >>>

Yes, there is some oscillation in the outputs perhaps because the D-term is too high. At this point I would use in-flight tuning but if you are unfamiliar with this try setting both Rate Pitch and Roll D-terms to .006 and change these also: