FFT in flight assigned channel


I assignedchannel 8 on my FC to initiate FFT (rcout ch8 = 162) I took off in loiter mode and activate the channel but I am not getting any report in messages.

Please can you post your parameter file?


Greetings Andy.

Im getting the following error message


Looks right. Can you post a log?

What flight controller is this? This can happen sometimes if you have mechanical noise on startup, but more likely some configuration issue.

OK in the mean time. I got the ch8 to give me FFT High and Low so that is working without the 192.0 had 50 error, this is on the ground and not flying.

I just want to run the process by you if you do not mind I have also set all parameters to default to work from a fresh sheet.

So am I right in think the steps involved are this.

  1. Enable FFT
  2. Enable Harmonic Notch Filter in Extended Parameters
  3. Set a channel on radio to FFT tune.
  4. While hovering in flight “loiter or alt hold” activate rc channel and see FFT high message.
  5. Fly for 60 seconds
  6. Land and turn FFT off via ch on Radio.
  7. Takeoff and peroform autotune

Step 2 should not be required - it should be turned on automatically for you.
Step 5 should be “Fly for 60 seconds and then deactivate rc channel”

It’s important that the high/low part is done while flying in a stable hover

Thanks Andy appreciate it

Question. How aggressive did you make the autotune?

I usually run autotune with an AGGR of 0.075. If you have a lot of noise (e.g. windy conditions or a poor notch configuration) then the default of 0.1 might be ok, but generally I find that overly aggressive.

Morning Andy.

Would you mind taking a look at my parameters. This is initial Autotune on roll and pitch before using FFT.

I am quite happy with the ptch but I feel like roll can calm down just a smidge but overall I am happy with the results.

So a couple of questions. Do I have to make the roll and pitch values the same and do I need to round the numbers.

If this is what autotune gave you then I should leave them alone - roll and pitch do not need to match

Your harmonic notch setup says it is disabled so the FFT tune has not worked

I did not enable harmonic notch for first autotune.

Is it neccesary to enable FFT for regular flying?

No. FFT tune will give you throttle-based notch settings which you should use for autotune and flying. Once you have those settings you don’t need the FFT anymore

OK then I can do a secondary FTT autotune now?

FFT tune is not the same as autotune. But yes try it - you should get notch settings that then help with your subsequent autotune

Yes I do the FFT tune hovering for 60seconds and then turn off and then autotune again as per the previous messages

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Does FFT tune do anything else apart from benefiting autotune once the frequencies have been identified by it?