Facing issue with integration of CUAV 2HP : No GPS

Hello Everyone,

I recently bought CUAV 2HP gps module, was trying to integrate it since afternoon but failed.

Here is my hardware configuration:
FC : Cube orange Plus.
FW: 4.5.5.
Gps : CUAV 2HP.

CAN_D1 : 1.
CAN_P1 : 1.

I’m also attaching my param file for your reference, if anybody has faced this issue earlier please help me out.

Requesting support.
@amilcarlucas have been through methodic confgurator, is their anything which I’m missing.

Thank you in advance.

Post a .zip file with the contents of the vehicle directory created by the configurator.

@Allister your suggestions are welcomed

2HP.param (19.4 KB)

Be more specific about the problem. What is not working? Are you getting position but no yaw? Is MP saying NO GPS or NO FIX?

The parameter file says GPS_TYPE,9 (can).

So what are you trying to do, CAN or Serial?

Have you gone through these instructions?


MP saying No GPS.( May be, Not configured )
Trying through CAN.
No gps is being detected
I’ve been through CUAV guide but still facing issues

Cross varified all the params given in doc provided by CUAV , tried to integrate Here 3+ with same board, it is showing good no of sat count, so eliminating my assumption of something wrong with board.

Rn I’m away from my system, will share in sometime


@cuav @Audreyhere @cuavRC requesting your help

From the guide:

EK3_SRC1_YAW,2 #or 3, but this won't solve your problem.

No GPS means the FC can’t find any GPS.

I see Serial 6 is set to SLCAN. Are you using something there? If not maybe set SERIAL6_PROTOCOL,-1 for now.