F9P GPS module for ppk processing

Hi there,
I am looking for a gps module for a mapping plane for ppk processing.
The holybro F9P H-RTK base and air module looks promising but I’m not sure if it is compatible with ppk process.

Are there any other gps ppk kits for reliable and accurate results.

Also please if anyone can layout the general process for ppk as I am new to this.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Shubham Thakur

Hi Shubham,

You are touching here a very difficult subject. First of all, you ask for accurate results. My first question would be: how accurate? My second question would be for what are you going to use it.

For me, accurate is very accurate and I could not do that with a “simple” GNSS sensor like the F9P. You would need an INS preferably with a dual GNSS antenna.

At the PPK, post processing, what you will do is correcting the trajectory with base station data. After this process you can correct the (for instance) image that you have taken on that time in the trajectory. That will give you accurate results.

With just the GNSS position from like a F9P you will get less accurate results. So, there is a big price difference between accurate results and accurate results.

This in a nut shell, it’s more complicated but ask your client; how accurate do you need.

Thank you Bart for your time.

I wish to use ppk to rectify the image geolocation for a mapping plane.
Generally a M8N or M8P based GPS is used but F9P generation of GPS gives better location data without any corrections.

As a result, I was looking for a F9P based rtk kit, also capable of ppk (imp).
I came across holybro f9p H-rtk kit but I am not sure if it can store raw gps data required for ppk.

Talking about accuracy, GCPs with here3 gives enough accurate map but this client needs a ppk capable drone for this project.

Can holybro f9p H-rtk do ppk?

Thanks once again

For capturing/storing your raw F9P data, you can use something like a Feather Adalogger

Maybe this is an option:

I use two ardusimple “simpleRTK2B-Kits” in Base-Rover-Configuration and with NTRIP corrections and it works fine.
I haven’t tested option C: “RTK-SSR” but maybe this is an option for you.


Thanks @haydar
This is really very helpful.

I use the ardusimple unit with a adafruit data logger for recording the camera events and Rinex files. Works great.

Thanks @rderks.
I will definitely try.

There are tutorials:

How to do Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK) with free software RTKLIB

How to generate RINEX files with simpleRTK2B (ZED-F9P) for PPK

How to build a portable PPK data logger with simpleRTK2B Pro receiver

How to generate RINEX files with simpleRTK3B