Esc telemetry and Hexacopter

Hi all.

ESC Telemetry based notch filter seems to work well when using a 4in1 ESC on a Quad but how do you set up a Hexa with 6 individual ESCs?

Regards //YB

You do it in the exact same way. No change whatsoever.
Do you have 6 telemetry enabled ESCs in the first place?

Hi Amilcar Lucas.
I am going to change the ESCs on my Hexa from BLHeli_s to BLHeli32 and am looking for suitable ESCs. I can’t find any 6in1 so it will have to be individual units with ESC Telemetry out. How to manage 6 ESC Telemetry on a Pixhawk 6C?

Regards //YB

2 choices. Use the FMU/Aux outputs as you normally would for Dshot on a FC with an IOMCU or use the the Dev version of firmware for Dshot on the Main outputs. Some months perhaps before that is in a Stable version.

There is at least one 6in1 esc but it’s BLHeli_S which you don’t want.

What about upgrading the ESC from BLHeli_S to Bluejay?

3 choices :grinning:

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Hi all.

Thanks for your advice, amilcarlucas, Dave and Allister. I have some BLHeli_s at home and the first step will be to test the Bluejay firmware. I will be going from LIPO to LI-ion and therefore need to modify some ESC settings.
Thanks all friends //YB

You will need the Bdshot version of firmware flashed to the Flight Controller also and configure the BDshot outputs.

Hi folks and happy New Year

Is the stable firmware for Dshot on the Main outputs available ??

Regards //YB

Last I saw a couple weeks ago was this:
This has now been merged and will appear in 4.5

I’m changing the ESC on my hexacopter to TEKKO32, and plan to run ESC telemetry.
Have any of you heard when the 4.5 version will be released?