Hi, Im quite new to this forum, after I start up my drone, sometimes the ESC’s keep beeping around every second. for what i can find this tells me the ESC is not arming correctly. But if i now re-boot the system it just works. It is quite random when the ESC fails to arm. I could try adjusting the PWM minimum but if this was the cause then why is it not always failing to arm? Anyone have a good solution?
@Roeland welcome to this community.
Have you an idea how much different ESC’s, Flight Controller, RC-Systems and Software versiions for all of this are existing and how much possible combination are possible.
How can any other than you can know what you have and what are your settings.
So if you don’t provide detailed information about your setup including all necessary parameters and logs you will not get good help.
@Juergen-Fahlbusch Thanks for replying, I know there are a lot of possible combinations but still feel like i have no real clue of how many. I thought maybe someone encountered something similar.
I did some more tests where i found out the issue is in the Pixhawk 4 flight controller not starting up correctly and seems to be frozen in its startup process blinking blue and red/amber indicating no GPS which is okay as I am inside. but the red/amber blinking indicates an error in the booting process. So I think i will have to look at the logs first.
@Roeland if you send the information which ESC and which AP-SW you are using and if you send your PARAM and Log.bin files I am sure someone can help you.