ESC Callibration error

I am using Pixhawk 2.4.8 with a fixed-wing RC plane. While doing the Setup of mandatory hardware ESC Calibration I am stuck. I am constantly getting the error “Set Param error. Please ensure your version is AC3.3+”

Please help me out that how I can resolve this error.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Update your firmware to ArduPlane 4.5.2 or 4.5.3-beta

Thanks for the reply.

I just came to know that I can’t program ESC.

By any chance do you know how can I program my ESC with Pixhawk 2.4.8 for rc plane?

Calibration and programming are two different things and should not be confused.
How to program the ESCs depends on what ESCs you have, which you haven’t disclosed yet.
If you can program your ESCs, you usually don’t need to calibrate them. At least as long as you don’t mess up the FC configuration.
If you know that you can’t program the ESCs, then I probably can’t tell you how you can, because you can’t.

To find out that stuff I can generally recommend a strategy of RTFM or Google or both.

I am using Skywalker V2 ESC. It works perfectly fine with the RC receiver, but connecting it through Pixhawk BLDC produces a beep sound with 2 sec gaps and when I turn off safety it produces a continuous beep sound.

That sounds like you didn’t calibrate it correctly.
Also here’s the manual.

Can you specify qhat you mean with “Pixhawk BLDC” please?