Hello there.
I’m running almost latest Copter built from GIT. This is actually the first copter with AP I build.
It is an F450 framewheel running on 3S with 2213 motors and 9450 DJI Props. The FC is an iFlight F4 with SPI dataflash (logging seems to initialize (since I can arm) but I cannot pull any logs from it, bug?)
All is working lovely, but yesterday I tried to push it a bit.
As soon I got some speed (0.27s in the video) a GPS glitch was reported followed by a generic EKF variance error. I think vibrations went a bit high, that’s ok, this frame is not meant for going that fast.
At that point the variometer went completely crazy reporting a climb of 7m/s while the copter was more of less stationary in elevation.
This happened other times during the video I attached.
Notably around 3minutes and 10 seconds I let the copter loitering with all the stick centered, the position and altitude hold was perfect beside the variometer reporting 1-2m/s of descend speed.
Do you have any idea of what it is going on here?