"EKF Lane Switch 1" and then drone crashes

What happened to the account you just made a few hours ago?

It said I reached my response limit as a new userā€¦ I had to make another one.

Thereā€™s a reason for the limit. It will lift in a few hours. Making a new account probably wasnā€™t the solutionā€¦

Yes, I have an event early morning with the drone. Itā€™s having me wait 21 hours to lift. Iā€™m sorry this is last minute I need quick help and guidance.

You can try engaging on Discord

I made a new account to stick here since you already know whatā€™s going on. What do I have to do for you to continue helping me??

Can you inform me on what to do next so I can figure the rest out? Itā€™s asking if I want to disable anythingā€¦ Or I can pay for your service but I need the drone to fly correctly.

The you need to install and use Quick start guide | MethodicConfigurator

thank you I will but I was asking him what to do next on what he told me to do. I sent the picture if maybe you can take a look and guide me

Youā€™re being pretty demanding on a bunch of people volunteering their time. Youā€™ve been given solid advice (on several threads). Follow it.

Im not. Iā€™m actually very grateful. I havenā€™t been demanding once Iā€™m concerned about my drone and just seeking help. Iā€™ve only got one solid advice which I did follow but unfortunately nothingā€™s that easy. Thank you for your time