Dual-motor tailsitters

Have you seen this:


Well integrated : hidden or no servos, easy to deploy, lightweight. Looks like phantom 4 pro motors. Interesting !

Hi Otto,
with this you immediately tempt me to take an old Z84 Wing Wing and put 2 aluminum profiles vertically through the wings. Let’s see :smiley:


Nice Product, yes. But pay attention with this TX System. It’s based on Skydroid t10, which is no longer
on the market. I had at first an issue with the Map. After some monthe the Map was no longer to see.
And yesterday I tested it after long time, and now the Cam view also didn’t work. The App is available on
google play, but verry old and never updated.
I tried to use the App of above H-Wing and amazing, Map and Cam worked. But of course not the telemetry because its probably another flight-controller.

Would be interesting if it works also with Arduplane without Elevons.
Good luck.

last 15 messages of copter tailsitter thread is about this hwing Vtol. You will have to use qassist feature to fly this wing. Hope to see it soon.

Thanks for the info. Here the link: Copter Tailsitters

@lorbass @losawing

Thanks for the link

Of course the heart will be Arduplane firmware.


I have installed 4.1 DEV from Mission Planner (Ctrl + Q) for testing but I notice strange behavior loading parameters when connecting to Mission >>> it only takes 0.2 sec to load parameters

This is very strange…,

I think there’s PX4 inside, i see QGC in the final part.

Does anyone know if you can fly a non-vectored tailsitter in Qstabilize and FBWA without a GPS and without a compass?


@iampete @kd0aij
I begun to test the disk theory gain scaling on a non vectored dual motor tailsitter with max angle set to 80° and airspeed enable. The calculation gave me a value of 10 for the disk load parameter. I had to lower this value to 2 to get rid of oscillations. Low speed stability, medium lean angles or transitions are not affected so the overall result is very good.

About the plane: wingspan is 86cm, 1Kg, 25cm propeller, larges control surfaces, CG set to 4% static margin. This may be not obvious on the video but the recovery from medium lean angle (lets say 45°) require almost full elevon deflection which is very bad and I had expected a better result with this frame. Set the static margin to 0% improve things a lot but is not flyable in plane mode. I will try to implement a variable CG in the future.

This test was made with a freshly downloaded arduplane 4.1 firmware and I found a problem with tailsit_input, it seems to be broken, only copter style input is still working and the body frame roll is weird.


Congratulation. I have never seen a non vectored with such a lean performance in Hover Mode.

This is crazy! Looks better than wingtra! :sweat_smile:

Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll try to find the cause of that problem.

I had some hopes this plane would hover like Wingtra but it is very far. In the range 30 to 60° lean angle the pitch balance need almost full elevon deflection so no room left to stabilize body frame roll. Lets say the next one will be better…


Wow …Pierre, you are the king of DMTS. :star_struck:

@IamPete commented about Q_TAILSIT_DISKLD, better results may be found a little higher or lower than calculated. but change it from 10 to 2 is a big change for it to work OK… :thinking:

Thanks, but this is a small kingdom.

I don’t know but the important point is oscillation reduction at high lean angle while keeping same stability.

Found the problem; PR here: https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/16841
builds for sitl and fmuv3 here:


@kd0aij I tested the fix this evening, plane type input (set to 3) is OK and body frame roll allows to fly like a plane at high lean angle, thanks, the result is truly amazing.
@iampete, I made a short q_acro test and thanks to disk theory gain scaling I did not observe a single oscillation whatever speed or attitude, really impressive result…considering very larges flaps with 45° throw. The flight is much more pleasant in q_acro than it is in FBWA.


Just a short clip of my Albabird TVBS conversion using two fpv cameras with scripting auto-switch when changing flight modes from fixed wing to VTOL…the time delay is set at 2 seconds, but needs to be reduced a bit for this plane, it transitions quickly…havent started tuning it yet so a bit wobbly on initial move to VTOL stance…although I have 5 TVBS planes, every new one is a different tuning challenge…our defaults are pretty poor for tailsitters in many cases…unless its a copter tailsitter…we really need to put together a tailsitter tuning guide…one for vectored and one for non…
I tear my hair out tuning, and on tailsitters its actually dangerous compared to any other horizontal stance quadplane…I almost always damage a tailsitter model at least once trying to tune it…