I was recently stumped when another user on Discord was trying to get their Arduplane (non-VTOL) working on 4.5.1 with DSHOT ESC protocol. I went back to a plane I had setup a year or more ago with Arduplane 4.2.0 where I thought I had dshot working, and strangely enough, I did have it working on AP4.2.0, but when I updated the FC to 4.5.1, I could fairly similarly recreate the issue the other user was having. On 4.5.1, with Q_Enable turned off, the ESC does not respond correctly. On 4.5.1 with Q_enable turned on, things appear to function normally. No other changes were made between the two tests of 4.5.1 besides Q_enable and rebooting the aircraft. Going back to AP 4.2.0 yielded a working motor without turning Q_enable on. I don’t know enough to easily recognize what may have changed between these versions of the firmware, but I thought it a big enough issue to bring up and perhaps merit some attention. Below I have a handful of files all from an Atom RC Seal in the linked folder below - hence the file name prefixes.
I can’t actually reproduce this. It all works fine for me, the only thing I noticed was that this is set for BLHeli_S timing which will definitely cause problems on BLHeli32. I tried with your parameters.
Thanks for looking into this - I was using BlHeli_S/Bluejay ESCs. Can anyone try to reproduce this with BLHeli/Bluejay? I know the other user on Discord was using this type of ESC like me.
@P_I_Engineer Can you post your params file as well? I’m going to post in the main Plane 4.5.1 release thread about this issue and see if we can get some more attention/reproduced tests of the issue.
What flight controller is this? You have throttle on channel 4 but rudder on channel 3 and they likely share a timer group. You can’t have dshot and PWM in the same timer group.
for my bench test setup i’m using a matek f405-ctr
for the plane that i descovered this issue on, i’m using a mamba f405 mini. on that plane i have elevons on channel 1/2 and throttle on channel 3. That falls into correct timer groups.
the blheli-s never finishes booting, never gets that last beep
I confirm the same issue!, I´ve measure the DSHOT300 pulses and it change wiith Q_ENABLE, this is not right… that´s the problem (see Motor not running Plane 4.5.2 BLHeli_S DSHOT300 MatekF405). Now, why this happend?.. I think it´s some king of bug… but i´m a newbie with ardupilot…