Dronecangen returned 1 error

Build failed
→ task in ‘dronecan’ failed (exit status 1):
{task 123145289871872: dronecangen .github,ardupilot,com,cuav,dronecan,mppt,tests,uavcan → }
(run with -v to display more information)

i can’t build this program help what is this

I have the same error here with fresh install ubuntu 22.04.

I have the same error with master. Tested on two different computers, with an fresh OS Linux 22.04, with nothing except git,pip and Ardupilot. Tested in docker, venv, conda and on OS on the old computers and on OS and vagrant on the fresh install. Tested all the gittools/submodules-py, git submodules --recursive --init … stuff. If I make a custom hwdef file without everything with can and lowering aux files to zero it works. But it is no help, because I need SITL which I just can’t comment out CAN in a hwdef for.

I’ve replicated your issue. The latest version of the “empy” python package breaks dronecan. You’ll need to revert to an older version of empy via pip3 install empy==3.3.4 --user


That solves the problem. Than you sir :slight_smile:

I still have the same problem when I do what I’m told to do I don’t know why Please help me

Build failed
→ task in ‘dronecan’ failed (exit status 1):
{task 123145291080640: dronecangen .github,ardupilot,com,cuav,dronecan,mppt,tests,uavcan → }
(run with -v to display more information)

This time, a message like this comes up

It does work, thanks

Thank you a lot!!! It is a decision of problem!

I am also get a same problem, solved by your solution.

thanks!!!it works!I was struggled in this problem for two days, you really helped me!

Are you run on conda?