Drone position is found but still showing NO GPS


I am setting up my drone right now and ran into an issue where mission planner will not show that I have a GPS lock, even though the location of the drone is correctly displayed on the map. Is there a fix for this or is it a bug? If I was to run a mission requiring the gps, would it work? My first thought is that there is a parameter that needs to be changed but please let me know if there is something else. I have attached the parameter list here and provided a screenshot of mission planner to show what I am talking about.

Param list 9_18_2024.param (19.6 KB)

Reconnect to the drone and try again. In that screen shot there is nothing connected.

The drone is connected, the values in the “Quick” on mission planner change when I move the drone around. I am not sure why there is a red “X” in the window. I was previously using telemetry to connect MP to the drone but even after changing to a wired connection (pixhawk to MP), the “X” remains. Is there another way to remedy this?

If you’re connected by USB that should be 100%. Just reset it and try again.

It was an issue with Mission Planner. I reset the application and everything is working as expected. Thanks for your help!

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