Drone is flipping at start and control of drone feels not natural

Hi. I’m using Tarot X8 octocopter with Pixhawk 2.4.8, Tarot 4114 motors, Hobbywing x-rotor 40A, Tarot 1655 props and Li-Ion 31 Ah battery. So what I got that when drone takes off it always flips to the left, and I need to rise throttle very aggressive and then it can take off. Also some time before I accidentally disarmed drone and it fell, so I decided to move to the arming drone by throttle and yaw stick, but if it will for example crash, how can I immediately disarm drone to not burn ESC’s, or maybe I can enable some crash detection?
For me it looks like something weird with PID, but probably there is something else. And can I somehow check pixhawk (I mean maybe that’s some very bad copy of it)?
Link to the logs

If you search this forum you will find many similar posts. The solution is in most cases to correct the motor order as explained in the documentation.

There are RC_OPTION parameters to put arming and/or motor emergency stop on an RC switch. Highly recommend you do so for initial testing, especially with such a large copter. Once you are more confident in its performance, you can remove the switch/stop function so that it is not accidentally actuated in flight.