Drone dropping inflight (probably due to heating of esc) MATEKH743-MINI V1.5

Why such a steep motor angle?

@dkemxr to keep the frame wheelbase small,

its not your usual fpv or a long range setup,

The notch filter you have is working OK but there is a mode ~44Hz (frame mode I suppose) you could use a fixed notch filter to address. Not sure it’s worth doing but if you want to try it set these and then run Auto Tune:

but @dkemxr

any perpouse for trying it out, whats the benifit, less noise ?

also what ADDR should be for auto tune
and should i do all axis togather in a single auto tune or each axis seprately ?

Yes, less noise. You may get a tighter auto tune. All together if your battery capacity allows it. Aggression at deafault.

will keep you posted

hi @dkemxr
The drone is still misbihaving i feel

i changed the properllers to 5in, and the motors are warm and the esc hot
now i dont know how, i dont think its the properllers

even at 4in i was getting some heat from the esc

here is the file

Re-run the Initial Tuning Parameters with 2S and a 5: prop and make those changes.
I see you are using the Bdshot firmware and have configured for Dshot but haven’t set the parameters for Bdshot ESC RPM. This is a much better way to drive the notch than throttle. So, fix that and configure the notch for ESC RPM. The notch filter setting changed significantly from those 4" props so this has to be changed anyway.
Disable the 2nd notch, not needed.


what changes do i vae to make for BDSHOT

can you plese tell me exactly, i couldent find anything on the net

Set this output bitmask SERVO_BLH_BDMASK
Are these set correctly?

Make a flight and see if you now have ESC RPM in the log.

its done

OK, then change in strategy:
Disable the 2nd notch and set these:


here is the result of the “diffrent stratagy”

hopefully works

any thing on it @dkemxr

hi @dkemxr

sorry for the previous file as it was not working
here is the one thats working,
plese have a look


BTW there is osilations in the quad on alt hold and flowhold


sould i reduce ROLL & PITCH PID Rate in half ?

tay are still the initial tune calculated for 5in 2s liIon

Football on now, catch up to you later.



its 2am in the night here, i will wait for your response here

some netflix wont hurt :wink:

but do let me know

thanks man
below are the pids

Disable the 2nd notch. Not sure why you have log_disarmed enabled. Set these:
Run Auto Tune.

Start another thread about Flowhold if problems persist with that feature.

@dkemxr ,

INS_HNTC2 is not enabled, it’s off

I will make the changes and do the autotune,

Will keep you posted
