Drone DJI F450 crazy, no control signal of emitter or change fly mode

Good day

I have a DJI F450 drone with these accesories:

  • APM 2.8 driver
    -fs ia6 receiver with emiter.

  • FPV module
    -GPS Ublox 7M

    We did adjustement in Mission Planner also movements for power on the drone, the drone fly well. The problem is the drone disconnect of the emitter. If power off the emitter, the APM execute RTL and landing well.

I think than the emiter havent the suficiently energy, and i connect a charger directly, but the drone do the same.

Is posible the APM change the fly mode, but all fly mode are “Stabilize”. I suspect a mix of channels.

Probably we need adjust the ESC before the fly, but the drone must react to changes in control.

We use the PID parameters recommended.

How can I do the fly register?

Thank you very much.

Hola ManuelQ,
Es recomendable que subas un registro de vuelo, para que los expertos echen un vistazo y así te puedan ayudar, pero explica lo que escribiste mas arriba en el idioma ingles.

It sounds like this a really old APM 2.8 flight controller which is probably running Copter-3.2.1 which is now 3.5years old! We don’t officially support this very old hardware or software anymore so I highly recommend upgrading to a more capable flight controller some of which are very reasonably priced. Thanks for using AP!

Hello friends:
Very good new year 2019!

Thanks rmackay9 and winstonsaz for the answers.
Rmackay9, thank you for your recomendation, but i have 30 drone in the school with apm 2.8, cant change the drive board easily. I need all drones can fly well.
I searched information and find than the number of frequency of RTL in mission planner must be 10 units less than the number of frequency of low potence or zero potence in the emitter. will review this detail. Greetings!