Drone crash, used optical flow with lidar MTF-01 with CUAV x5 nano

Quadcopter using CUAV x5 nano.
Previously flying fine but crashed when use the optical flow MFT-01
It was close to the ground about 1.5 feet and then auto land and starting twisting and flown and crashed.
If anyone can see the log and can check what the issue was.

For some reason your IMUs stopped aiding EKF (EKF3 IMU0/1 stopped aiding at 130151 & 130152), but I can’t see an obvious reason for it.

Actually, right before that incident there are contradictory values from TERR.CHeight, POS.Alt and XKF5.C:0.HAGL, this might be why the IMUs disconnected from EKF.

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Thank you for your kind support.
I have uploaded the video of the crash incident.
The drone was flying indoor over carpet with low light condition at night you can see.
if you please do some comments in the light of the video and your previous findings.
Thanking you again.