Does trimming affect loiter mode?

My drone drifts backwards when in stabilize mode. So I have to trim my radio controller accordingly so that it doesn’t drift.

Does loiter mode get effected when I trim my controller? Or will it maintain its GPS position regardless?

don’t trim the radio, re-calibrate level

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What level? Do you mean the accel calibration?

on the acel calibration page there is a calibrate level button, the other method is to set a RC switch to the ‘Save Trim’ function, you fly it in stabilize such that it is not moving and hit the switch.

Even if you’ve done a level calibration, you may still have a design factor that impacts it. You can use the save trim function to trim out that imbalance permanently.

Yes, re-do the accelerometer calibration WITH THEAIRCRAFT AND PIXHAWK PERFECTLY LEVEL.

Then load the aircraft with every thing it is going to carry, including the battery, and shift things around (more than like just the battery) until the aircraft is in balance on the roll and pitch axis.

When there is NO WIND, take the aircraft out, power it up normally. Arm the motors and hold the left stick in the ARM position until the main led begins to blink red and blue. Take off into hover. be careful here, as the aircraft may yaw in one direction or the other.

Maintain a stable hover until the main led turns solid green. Land but do not disarm. Take off again. The aircraft should fly much better.